JC Wilkinson offers a deep and extensive service capability across a wide range of industry sectors in providing valuation advice of Plant and Equipment in a variety of circumstances including loan collateral, disposals, insurance and expert witness.
Business Recovery Valuation
The JC Wilkinson team works closely with lenders and business recovery professionals to provide bespoke machinery and equipment advice to meet the needs of any business recovery assignment. We recognise the often tight time constraints in such matters and we ensure delivery of accurate, market focussed advice within prescribed deadlines.
Secured Lending Valuation
When seeking funding to improve cashflow or to seek funds for investment or acquisition, companies will seek a valuation of their assets to support their application for a lending proposal. JC Wilkinson valuers are accredited to provide advice and a valuation report as part of the lenders’ due diligence process.
Insurance Valuations & Expert Witness
JC Wilkinson can provide plant, machinery & equipment insurance valuations, on a reinstatement with new or indemnity basis whatever the business or industry. We are also able to provide Expert Witness testimony on a range of valuation issues, including strategic advice during an insolvency or turnaround period. We can act for both claimants and defendants or as single joint experts.